First Look Photos

Does a first look make sense for your wedding day? You may even be asking what is a first look? This is a relatively new idea where couples meet privately prior to the ceremony for photos and maybe even personal vows. The idea behind it, is a sweet treasured moment just between you and your betrothed. For me, the advantages of a first look far outweigh the cons. You get the super special moment captured for a lifetime, you don’t feel rushed trying to get in personal photos during cocktail hour, you get your nerves out of the way, and if you are like me, you don’t ugly cry in front of all your guests! That last one has me sold.. But if you are a traditionalist, and you want the big reveal, to see the look on his face, and maybe even some tears as you walk down the aisle, there is still a very sweet alternative! Consider a first touch, photographed with your love letters in hand… it is an endearing intimate moment for those who aren’t quite on board with the first look!